Harry Trainer, 42 King-street, Leicester Fosse’s leading scorer in the 1895-96 season, was charged with being drunk and disorderly and using obscene language, in Leicester Market-place, on the 19 August 1896. After hearing the evidence, the magistrate convicted, and fined him 10s, or seven days’ imprisonment in default. Trainer had embarrassed the Fosse and was dropped. He returned to the team and scored six goals during the latter part of the campaign but was released at the end of the season. The Welsh international was no stranger to breaking the law. In February 1894, Trainer was charged with assaulting James Holt, the landlord of the Talbot Hotel, following Westminster Rovers’ 5-3 win over Wrexham in the semi-final of the Welsh Cup. Trainer apologised and donated £5 to the Wrexham Infirmary and Holt agreed to drop the case. He was also convicted of housebreaking, and in January 1901 pleaded guilty to charges of breaking and entering, and the theft of 42 gold rings, 13 gold brooches, 12 silver watch chains, eight gold pendants, six watches, four silver serviette rings, two silver button hooks, one jewelled gold bracelet, one gold pencil case, one silver fruit knife, one silver matchbox, one scent bottle and one silver medal, worth a total of more than £40. Trainer was sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment with hard labour.