Tell Us A Story

We want you to share your personal memories of the beautiful game with us and others. Do you remember your very first match? Did you witness or participate in an important, unusual, tragic or funny moment in the history of Leicestershire football? Why does football matter so much to you?

Whether you played, managed, refereed or followed football at any level from local grassroot through to professional we want to hear from you.

You can share your stories with us as follows:

Send us a photo: Your photo can be of an item of football memorabilia such as a medal, trophy, programme, cigarette card, scarf, shirt, football boots, ball or of a friend, long lost relative etc. Tell us about it.

Send us your written memory: Tell us your name and why the moment is so special to you. You can write as little or as much as you’d like to – from a couple of lines to a couple of pages.

Permissions:  By sending us your memories, and photos you agree to us using them for promotional purposes and to them becoming part of the Leicestershire Football Archive collection. We may edit your memories, photos and videos and may add subtitles where needed. We look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions please drop us a line at: