Leicester Daily Journal – 30 May 1894

Leicester Fosse FC published their financial statement for 1893-94 in May 1894 – income, £2907 11s 2d (95% of which came from gate receipts), total expenditure of £3,093 6s 4d, and reported a loss of £185 15s 3d (approx. £30,000 in 2024*). Total assets of the club were valued at £629 13s 10d (approx. £100,000 in  2024).

One hundred and thirty years later – in April 2024, LCFC reported a turnover of £177.3 million (gate receipts accounting for less than 10% of income) in 2023-24, and a loss of £89.7 million.

* Calculated using an average annual inflation rate of 4%